Saturday, April 3, 2010

Choosing ebooks without covers...

I've seen people complain that without color on a Kindle, they miss seeing the book cover. I didn't really care so much about that, honestly. Black & white was fine, and I find I choose books based on the description and reviews, instead of being drawn in by a pretty cover.

I have enjoyed plenty of book art in the past - Dark Tower series with illustrations for example. But for the first time in a while, catching sight of a cover has made me want to buy a book! Robert McCammon's Mister Slaughter looks good enough to make me want to open it up!  And according to McCammon's facebook page, it "is now available as an eBook from Subterranean and Baen Books! It should be available via Amazon and SmashWords soon..."

I will keep checking for the Kindle update!

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